Q: I'm wondering what the best way is to add some trail comfort and control to our Cannondale MT800 tandem. Principally we use this on gravel trails with only brief forays onto rougher tracks, and my wife and I make up a reasonably light crew totalling 19 stone, split pretty evenly.
>I don't want to pile on too much weight by fitting oversized items. One final point is having just splashed out on hydraulic rim brakes I can only really consider forks with rim brake mountings.
Steve Windmill, via email > >A. The normal problem with tandem forks is the amount of stress that goes through them under braking and cornering as you try to control double the rider weight. Sounds like you're a gentler team though and at 19 stone a standard air fork or coil fork with extra firm springs should work fine. Magura makes suitably sturdy forks that actually come in versions specifically to fit Magura hydraulic rim brakes. Thinking long term they also have replaceable legs should they get damaged, and the wheel drop outs have stainless steel anti-corrosion plates.
>Magura is just changing to a new product line too so you should be able to pick up older 05 Phaon or Ronin forks at a good price from your local Magura dealer.
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