Thirty minutes of exercise a day has numerous claimed health benefits, and with the kids back at school and the summer months starting to wane it’s time to get out and get active.
Join BikeRadar Training and you’ll be able to monitor your exercising and join our monthly challenges to keep your motivation up and be rewarded for working out.
September’s Session It challenge
The person who logs the most training sessions during the month of September will win a box of cycling goodies, and anyone who logs five or more sessions during September will be in the running to win one of 10 BikeRadar Training T-shirts.
There will also be weekly random spot prizes for members of the challenge group, giving you plenty of chances to win.
This challenge takes into account any training or exercise you do, so get all your activities logged. Whether it be walking the dog, cycling to work, running in the evening or taking gym classes, start recording your training now.
How to enter
1. Join the challenge group. If you’re not already a member of BikeRadar Training, join here.
2. Upload your activities and training sessions. Only activities of 30 minutes or more will be taken into account for this challenge.
3. Follow the group leaderboard to see how you're doing.
BikeRadar Training is a free online resource for you to record and analyse all aspects of your training, log your training routes, get yourself tailored training plans, see how you're doing on our leaderboards, set goals and plan your season with a comprehensive events guide.