Ever since Phil Tenacious Oil was embraced by the mountain biking community back in the ’80s, a thick, clingy lube has been de rigueur for the cyclist’s lubrication repertoire. Pedro’s Synlube is another such benchmark product: it stays wet and sticks to your chain like you-know- what. Even after 100 miles of puddles and standing water, you’ve still got something left to get back home in silence.
We managed about a week’s worth of commuting in bad weather, or about 150 to 200 miles between applications. This can vary depending on conditions: prolonged downpours will require more frequent reapplication. Bearing in mind that some vegetable-based oils can get gummy with age and impair free movement, if you’re lazy and just keep adding oil, Pedro’s synthetic based formula is ideal, and doesn’t get sticky with age. It will also give you a good excuse for owning a chain cleaning machine.