The Tortec Velocity rack is intended for light touring and minimalist commuting duties, weighing 391g and designed without the platform that many pannier racks have to accommodate a bag for long-haul touring.
It’s all very neatly TIG welded and instead of the commonly used stainless steel strips for mounting the rack to your bike you get far more elegant machined blocks and solid aluminium rods.
The sloping side sections help to centralise any weight you’re carrying, something that’s particularly noticeable when carrying a single pannier laden with shopping or a large laptop. We went on to see if it could handle the claimed 25kg load without rocking and it does so with ease.
The kit includes stainless steel fitting bolts, and like all the best pannier racks there’s a hole in the rear bracket to mount a universal rear light or reflector.
It would have been good to see a hook on which to mount our panniers’ elasticated retaining cords, but that’s our only minor criticism.