Wanted: Technical editor for Cycling Plus

Wanted: Technical editor for Cycling Plus

Work for Britain's biggest road cycling magazine

Published: November 5, 2010 at 12:49 pm

Do you love road bikes and the latest kit? Fancy writing reviews of the best cycling gear on the planet? Cycling Plus, Britain’s biggest selling road cycling magazine, is looking for a Technical Editor.

Using your in-depth knowledge and passion for road bikes you will oversee the bike and product testing programme on Cycling Plus. You will plan, manage and write bike tests, product group tests and Roadtested section ensuring we deliver the best independent buying advice for our readers. As the go-to-person for the bike industry you will be responsible for securing the latest product news and development exclusives whilst building Cycling Plus’ profile within the bike industry.

You will have an in-depth knowledge of road bikes, road cycling trends, technology and the market. Work experience within the bike industry or evidence of participation in cycling is needed. An excellent level of written English is required for the role and it is preferable that you have some experience of writing for magazines or newspapers.

Strong organisational and planning skills are needed for the role as well as the ability to work to tight deadlines. You will be able to work as part of a team as well as under your own initiative. Experience of building strong relationships is needed alongside great communication skills.

If this sounds like your dream job then click here for more information and to apply online!