UK's worst roads for cyclists revealed by The Times

UK's worst roads for cyclists revealed by The Times

Audit forms part of their 'Cities Fit for Cycling' campaign

Published: April 24, 2012 at 11:15 am

An audit by British newspaper The Times to find the worst roads for cycling in Britain has been revealed, with AA President Edmund King describing the findings as a ‘wake up call for urban transport planners’.

In response to their ‘Cities Fit for Cycling’ campaign, over 10,000 people highlighted sections of road that they believed to be unsafe for cyclists. Cyclists and drivers from up an down the country exposed 4,010 dodgy junctions, 2,778 stretches of badly designed roads, 1,453 poorly built cycle lanes and 1,360 roads with dangerous potholes.

With more complaints than any other in the country, the Elephant and Castle roundabout in South London received the most complaints. Junctions in cities including Bristol, Manchester and Liverpool also made the list, which can be viewed here in their interactive cycle safety map.

Road safety groups, motoring organisations and cycle groups are urging the Government and local authorities to take action.

“It would be fair to say from these findings from 10,000 people that in many cyclists’ view the roads are not fit for purpose", said King. “Many of the things highlighted in the survey show that particularly on major roads in and around urban areas we need a fundamental review of road design and junction layout".

Martin Gibbs, policy and legal affairs director of British Cycling, added: “This is valuable data that the Department for Transport should use immediately to start remedial works. We need a total shift in policy. We should never have got into this situation and the government must now commit to putting cycle safety into road and junction designs before they are built”.

These findings, along with over 34,000 written pledges in support of their safety campaign, will be on the agenda with those giving evidence to the Transport Select Committee today. It will see transport ministers responsible for the Government’s policies on road and cycling safety face questions from MPs on the committee.

It will also hear evidence from cycling advocates including news presenter John Snow and Times Editor James Harding and will be the final stage of oral evidence for its inquiry into the Government's strategy on road safety.

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