TransAm stars Mike Hall and Ed Pickup to appear in Brighton

TransAm stars Mike Hall and Ed Pickup to appear in Brighton

Ride out and evening event with first and third placed TransAm bike race athletes

Published: July 29, 2014 at 9:00 am

This Friday, Pivot Cycles and Velo Café in Brighton are to host evening with Mike Hall and Ed Pickup – winner and bronze medalist of the TransAm 4,406 mile bike race.

Last month, world adventure cyclist Mike Hall from Cardiff became the first winner of the TransAm cycle race, a solo, self supported 4,406-mile bicycle race across North America. Hall was crowned the race champion on 25 June after an epic 18-day test of endurance, which proved to be a battle of tactics and self-preservation.

Ed Pickup from Salisbury finished third in the event, aged only 23.

Both men competed on Pivot bikes, and the brand is hosting an evening event this Friday at Brighton’s Velo Café, giving a chance for the public to hear about the race, the athletes’ challenges and equipment choices and have a Q&A session.

Hall will also present his next project – the second Trans Continental bike race, which leaves London on 9 August.

There is an opportunity for a social road ride with Mike and Ed starting from Velo Cafe at 3pm on Friday, 1 Aug, following a two-hour route over the South Downs.

The evening event is free but is limited to 60 people. 7pm for a prompt 7:30pm start at Velo Cafe. Those wanting to attend should express their interest by sending an email to