Star Wars Stormtrooper bike built by fan

Star Wars Stormtrooper bike built by fan

May the fourth be with you!

Oleg Vostrikov

Published: May 4, 2012 at 10:59 am

We’re celebrating May 4th, the unofficial world Star Wars day – "May the fourth be with you", get it? – with this amazing tribute. The Phat Stormtrooper is the work of Russian sci-fi fan Max Denislov (aka Dee Troy), from Moscow's Rastabike BC.

A designer by trade, Max decided to start the bike as a tribute to George Lucas and Star Wars. He'd previously built a custom Felt Ghost Rider, which can be seen here. The Phat Stormtrooper is based on a Phat Cycles Stretch Delux cruiser frame. Max drew the bike up using graphic design programs, created 3D models, cut the shapes from polyurethane foam and then made them using fibreglass and resin.

The amount of detail on the bike is incredible, from the custom chain guard, mudguards, valve caps and headlight, to the specially designed fork crown (a set of standard forks was widened from 90mm to 130mm to accommodate the broad tyres and styled from an image Max saw on a Star Wars poster). Here are some images of the bike taken in Gargarin’s Square, Moscow by Oleg Vostrikov.

Stormtrooper bike: stormtrooper bike - Oleg Vostrikov

The Phat Stretch Delux frame is the basis of this customised cruiser

Stormtrooper bike: - Oleg Vostrikov

Humour injected into the spokes...

Stormtrooper bike: stormtrooper bike - Oleg Vostrikov

Custom valve caps – made from Lego!

Stormtrooper bike: - Oleg Vostrikov

Custom fibreglass chain guard, designed and created by Max

Stormtrooper bike: - Oleg Vostrikov

The mudguards were designed on computer, built up into 3D models and made using fibreglass and resin

Stormtrooper bike: stormtrooper bike - Oleg Vostrikov

Max found painters to add detail to the bike