Canadian company 4iiii were demonstrating their Sportiiiis SP100 sunglasses training accessory at Interbike.
It's a 10g device that attaches to the arm of your sunglasses and gives feedback from your computer or iPhone without you having to take your eyes off the road. The mount is a little unwieldy but 4iii told us they're upgrading it to dispense with zip ties.
The SP100 doesn't give you a full heads up display, rather a series of LEDs that blink a certain colour (there's an audio option too) when you're in your desired training zone (heart rate, power, speed/pace or cadence). If you're out of the zone, you'll get a different colour.
The device communicates via both ANT and Bluetooth Smart, so you can use it with ANT enabled wireless computers and iPhones, configuring via Mac, PC or iPhone software.

The Sportiiiis SP100 device – glasses not included
We see its application as to guide you during intervals or steady, flatter rides, or to help you keep a certain pace while running. It costs US$149 and is available directly from or distributor Wynit.
4iiii are also offering a heart rate monitor, called the Viiiiva, for US$199. This is another ANT /Bluetooth Smart device that can talk to your iPhone or iPod Touch without the need for a dongle. It can also link up to any other ANT devices (foot pod, speed, cadence, power, heart rate) you're using. It collates and displays data on your device using software they're calling the Liiiink Communication Module.
Dual Power Eyewear
Dual Eyewear are a relatively new company started by Louis Viggio, formerly an agent for Raúl Alcalá and Ruthie Matthes as well as the man behind the GT Harley Davidson cruiser and pro photographer's website
Viggio said he started Dual Eyewear after he bought a Garmin and had trouble reading it. He looked at existing vision enhancing sunglasses and decided the style wasn't great, so began producing his own. They're aimed at cyclists, motorcyclists and fishermen with weaker vision, and will soon be available for air pilots.

There's a wide range of styles, each with three different spot powers – +1.5, +2.0, +2.5. They're not too expensive either, with prices ranging from US$49.95 to US$69.95.