Sabbath Bicycles to be distributed in Australia and France

Sabbath Bicycles to be distributed in Australia and France

UK titanium brand pushes overseas

Published: August 11, 2009 at 8:02 am

UK titanium bike brand Sabbath Bicycles has formed new distribution partnerships in Australia and France.

It should now be much easier for riders in those countries to get hold of bikes like the Silk Road Pro, September, Monday’s Child and Fifth Element.

Sabbath’s managing director Greg Roche said: “We have dealt with sales from France, Finland, Italy, New Zealand, the USA and Australia from Macclesfield so far, but the opportunity came up in both France and Australia for distribution partnerships and given the volume of international enquiries we were starting to get, it made sense to go with them.

“Our discerning customers in the UK usually look for something different from what’s already available in the saturated bicycle market. This can also be said of the worldwide cycling demographic.”

Formerly known as Sunday Bicycles, Sabbath Bicycles was launched in 2006. For more information, see