This inflatable helmet is claimed to be 4x safer than a foam helmet – and it fits in your pocket

This inflatable helmet is claimed to be 4x safer than a foam helmet – and it fits in your pocket

€150 Inflabi inflatable helmet debuts at Eurobike 2023, with pre-sale scheduled for August

Jack Luke / Our Media

Published: June 22, 2023 at 11:21 am

The Inflabi is an inflatable helmet for urban cyclists that can pack down into your pocket and could be up to four times safer than a traditional foam helmet, according to the brand.

The commuter helmet is constructed from seam-welded fabric and packs down to three quarters of its inflated size.

Revealed at Eurobike 2023, a pre-sale of the helmet is scheduled for this August. It will likely cost around €150.

Safer than a foam helmet?

Inflabi inflatable helmet – valves on helmet
The helmet inflates via valves on the back. - Jack Luke / Our Media

A traditional EPS foam helmet relies on foam compressing or cracking to dissipate force in the event of a crash.

Similar to the Hövding airbag, the Inflabi instead dissipates force through the compression of the air chambers.

This, the brand claims, could make it up to four times safer than traditional bike helmets.

Inflabi inflatable helmet
The helmet feels a bit like a camping mat in the hand. - Jack Luke / Our Media

Inflabi also hopes the helmet, which is made from abrasion-resistant fabrics, will be reusable.

The helmet feels a bit like an inflatable camping mat in the hand, though it can withstand far higher pressures.

The Inflabi is lined with a TPU membrane to improve air retention and improve the strength of the welded construction. Unlike some camping mats, there is no foam-supporting structure inside the helmet.

Inflabi inflatable helmet (14 of 10)
A standard pump is all that's required to inflate the helmet. - Jack Luke / Our Media

The helmet is inflated using a standard pump via a Schrader valve.

The current helmet is inflated to 1 bar (14.5psi), but the production version will need to withstand up to 2 bar to meet safety requirements. This may require the brand to use a different fabric, though the overall design of the helmet will remain the same.

Inflabi inflatable helmet – packed shots
The helmet packs down to approximately three quarters of its inflated size. - Jack Luke / Our Media

Inflabi was keen to stress the valve system will be redesigned prior to going into production. It will likely be slimmed down and include a pressure gauge or indicator to confirm correct inflation.

The tech behind the helmet has been patented by the brand and a new prototype is in testing. The brand expects this will comfortably surpass European helmet safety standards.

Availability, sizing and pricing

Inflabi inflatable helmet – profile shot
The Inflabi is expected to cost around €150. - Jack Luke / Our Media

Inflabi hopes to run a pre-sale of an initial 300 helmets in August. Helmets will then ship in November.

The helmet will be available in four sizes, but will also incorporate a specially designed packable size-adjustment strap system that is still in development.

Pricing will likely sit at around €150, though that is still to be determined.