Inaugural Cycle City Expo to be held in Birmingham

Inaugural Cycle City Expo to be held in Birmingham

Get Britain Cycling inquiry report will be presented

Published: February 7, 2013 at 9:57 am

On 25-26 April 2013, Cycle City, a new two-day conference and exhibition in Birmingham, will be used to launch the report from the Get Britain Cycling inquiry. There will also be a Festival of Cycling organised by Birmingham City Council.

The event is the brainchild of Landor Links, the publisher of transport trade journals, and will focus on utility cycling, aiming at those working to transform bike use in UK towns and cities.

Show manager Rory McMullan said: "The aim of the expo is for the people in government, large and small employers, business, schools, the police, the NHS, third sector, consultancies, suppliers and public health bodies involved in designing infrastructure and promotion of cycling, to discuss and develop strategies to get more people cycling, more safely, in British cities."

Cycle City will have workshops and talks delivered by experts, including Professor Phil Goodwin's Get Britain Cycling parliamentary inquiry report. Other speakers include Professor John Whitelegg, Transport for London, the Dutch Cycling Embassy and campaign group Cycle Shrewsbury, who'll be giving a presentation on how to attract more women to cycling.

Yesterday, the Get Britain Cycling inquiry saw the third of six parliamentary evidence gathering sessions, with the topic of cycle friendly infrastructure and bike charity Sustrans as one of the key witnesses.

“People are crying out for safe cycle routes that allow them to make cheap and healthy journeys around their local communities," said Sustrans engineering manager Tony Russell.

For more information on the exhibition and conference, see the Cycle City Expo website.