Garmin Connect and Tacx Training are now integrated, offering automatic syncing between apps

Garmin Connect and Tacx Training are now integrated, offering automatic syncing between apps

Indoor rides recorded in Tacx Training app will now automatically upload to Garmin Connect

Tacx / Garmin

Published: December 11, 2020 at 1:12 pm

Garmin has announced that the Garmin Connect app and Tacx Training app are now fully integrated, with users given the option to sync any activities uploaded to Tacx automatically with Garmin’s services.

This means riders can now use a single sign-on process to access and analyse indoor ride data alongside outdoor rides in the Garmin Connect app.

Garmin acquired Tacx in early 2019 and increasing integration between the two brands' services and devices has been steadily rolled out since.

It’s worth pointing out that if you already record indoor rides on a Garmin Edge bike computer, compatible models would already automatically sync with Garmin Connect – this update only applies to those that use the Tacx smartphone app to control their trainer and record rides.

Although auto-syncing with Strava was already available in the Tacx app, deep analysis of performance data is now only available in Strava to subscribers. For those that want a holistic overview of their training and performance, this will make things that little bit easier.

Finally, the data nerds among you will, no doubt, point out that all of this was already available via free open-source software such as Golden Cheetah. However, for those that would prefer to keep everything ticking over automatically within the Garmin/Tacx ecosystem, this will be welcome news.