This nifty device solves one of the biggest problems with the Garmin Edge 1050

This nifty device solves one of the biggest problems with the Garmin Edge 1050

Offset adaptor makes space for jumbo-sized GPS computer, but Wahoo Ace users will have to wait

Jack Luke / Our Media

Published: February 11, 2025 at 1:00 pm

The Edge 1050 is Garmin's biggest GPS cycling computer, rendering many existing third-party out-front mounts unusable beause the computer fouls the stem faceplate or handlebar.

Many bike computer manufacturers have introduced rolling changes to their lines, slightly lengthening mounts to accommodate the larger computers.

But, rather than force users to buy an all-new mount, K-Edge has developed a neat slot-in adaptor that offsets the quarter-turn housing forward far enough to fit the PalmPilot-sized unit.

K-Edge off-set spacer – front profile
The spacer pushes the mount forward a few millimetres to make space for the computer. Jack Luke / Our Media

Slotting in place of a typical insert, the K-Edge Offset spacer increases the stack height of the mount slightly, but not enough to be noticeable while mounted.

K-Edge off-set spacer – top profile
It's a neat solution to an annoying problem. Jack Luke / Our Media

Costing £20/$19.99, the mount is compatible with most of K-Edge's mounts (the brand has a full compatibility list on its site).

Although it's not listed officially, it may be compatible with other third-party computer mounts using K-Edge-sized inserts.

What about the Elemnt Ace?

The Elemnt Ace is nearly as big as some modern smartphones.

K-Edge says it won't make an offset spacer for the even larger Wahoo Elemnt Ace because of the unit's weight

Without question, the biggest bike computer on the market, the Elemnt Ace's length renders most existing mounts unusable.

K-Edge suggested new mounts long enough to accommodate the computer will be released later in the spring.