Cycling questions answered live by Evans Cycles

Cycling questions answered live by Evans Cycles

Experts answer your bike queries online

Published: April 23, 2014 at 8:00 am

If you've got cycling related questions – but no time to get to a bike shop for advice – we’ve come up with a plan to help you out. Throughout spring and summer, BikeRadar will be working with experts from Evans Cycles to help you get the answers.

We'll be running Q&A sessions on the BikeRadar Facebook page every other Friday, during which Evans Cycles will be pulling experts from across the business to offer advice and answer questions. Evan Cycles is a 93-year-old London bike shop that has grown to be nationwide chain, so the company has nearly a century's worth of experience to draw from.

This week we’ll have Evans bike expert James Reffold live and ready to respond to any of your bike related queries from 3pm this Friday, 25 April. The session is a general one, so James will be open to answer anything related to bikes and riding.

Other sessions coming up include Evans Cycles’ clothing buyer Paul Markland on the best kit to choose for the new season; and road racer and GB qualifying triathlete Gemma Sargent sharing her expertise regarding event preparation in May, and discussing nutrition and hydration during June.

There will also be parts-buying and upgrading tips from experienced road cyclists and mountain bikers, as well as insight into pro cycling and pro technology and advice on regular maintenance and end-of-season overhauls.

To get involved with the sessions just head over to the BikeRadar Facebook page, look for the Q&A post, add your questions and get involved.