Alloy 3T Integra Garmin Edge stem - Eurobike 2012

Alloy 3T Integra Garmin Edge stem - Eurobike 2012

Cheaper integrated computer mount for 2013

Warren Rossiter/Future Publishing

Published: September 5, 2012 at 11:00 am

We’ve had 3T’s carbon Integra stem and integrated Garmin Edge mount on test for a while now, and been hugely impressed with its performance. The ergonomics of the Garmin integration have been particularly striking.

The only real drawback is the price tag. At £259.99 (US$350) plus the £34.99 (US$39.99) for the Garmin mount, it’s more than many of us would hope or be able to spend.

However, as shown at Eurobike, the new all-alloy Team version is set to arrive before the year’s end, priced significantly cheaper.

The switch to alloy has also introduced some new features not found on the carbon model. We particularly like the compartment access into the main stem body, shown below, that means cables can be run easily through the stem, making for a much cleaner cockpit.

The underside of the team integra stem features this covered compartment for a tidy cable setup: the underside of the team integra stem features this covered compartment for a tidy cable setup - Warren Rossiter/Future Publishing

We’ll have more details and first impressions as soon as we get a unit to test. In the meantime, check out the video below to find out how to fit a carbon 3T Integra stem:

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