What is the future of road cycling tech?

What is the future of road cycling tech?

From disc brake dominance to increasing comfort and versatility

Published: May 11, 2017 at 2:00 pm

What will 2018 and beyond bring for road bike tech? Check out this video on our YouTube channel to find out

As our Road Bike of the Year awards draw to a close for another year, we thought it was a good time to reflect on the 55 road bikes that were tested. What trends did we spot and can this help us to predict what we will be seeing on the road bikes of the future?

Senior tester Warren Rossiter recently sat down with Rob Spedding, editor in chief of sister mag Cycling Plus, and the pair looked into their cycling-industry crystal ball to see what we should expect in 2018 and beyond.

From the ever-forward march towards disc brake dominance, to increasing comfort and capability, the future certainly looks interesting for road cycling.

What tech would you like to see appear on road bikes? Or are you still quite happy with steel rims and cottered cranks? As always, leave your thoughts in the comments below.