Tour de France Time Trial Tech, part two

Tour de France Time Trial Tech, part two

Team Sky’s outrageous F-Type TT team car, cooling vests and more

Robin Wilmott / Immediate Media

Published: July 29, 2014 at 4:40 pm

In part two of our huge Tour de France time trial tech gallery, we take a close look at Team Sky’s outrageous F-Type TT team car, new and old time trial bikes, external-internal batteries and yet more gear with someone else’s brand on it.

In our visits to each and every one of the teams at the race, we look at the bikes of upstart Kemo, the veteran (nearly 130 years old now) Bianchi, plus cooling vests, magic puree, saddle positions, custom modifications and more.

Oh, and that F-Type? Everyone walking past it, even the most traditional, dyed-in-the-wool cyclists, agreed that it sounded awesome just burbling at walking pace.

Elmiger's machine had a novel di2 control box placement, cable tied to the seat post, presumably for proximity to the internal battery: elmiger's machine had a novel di2 control box placement, cable tied to the seat post, presumably for proximity to the internal battery - Robin Wilmott / Immediate Media

Check out all the novel solutions like this one in the gallery above