The best cycling tweets of 2013

The best cycling tweets of 2013

A year of cycling in 140 characters or less

Twitter @danny_macaskill

Published: December 18, 2013 at 2:21 pm

Cycling's corner of the Twitter-sphere was in overdrive from the beginning of 2013 when Lance Armstrong gave that interview to Oprah Winfrey. We look back at cycling on the social network and pick some of the famous, and infamous, tweets from the year past.

Shimano road disc prototype leaked

Whether authorized or not, in Febuary 2013, Dutch pro Michiel Van Der Heijden posted to his Twitter account an image of his new Giant TCX Advanced SL cyclocross bike rigged with Shimano's upcoming Dura-Ace Di2 hydraulic disc brakes. The tweet was later removed but the image had already been picked up by eagle-eyed industry members and spread around the world.

Shimano di2 dura-ace hydraulic levers with disc brakes were spotted on the image that michiel vd heijden posted: - Courtesy

Michiel Van Der Heijden's disc-equipped road bike caused a stir


The man - Danny MacAskill - needs no introduction and his latest film, Imaginate, was a predictable hit, given the extraordinary skills on show from the man also known as MegaSkill.

Imaginate was 2 years in the making: - Twitter @danny_macaskill

Imaginate became a viral sensation

Die-in in London

Following the deaths of six cyclists in London in 13 days in November, hundreds of cyclists gathered to protest outside the Transport of London Headquarters in an #TFLDiein. It was chronicled on Twitter. Social media has been a key channel for commentators to demand action on cycle safety and #space4cycling also become a ubiquitous hashtag for the cause in the UK.

View from the ground at the protest over recent cyclist deaths in london:

London's cyclists were furious at the slow pace of improved cycle safety in the capital


Young motorist Emma Way posted a tweet in which she admitted knocking a cyclist, Toby Hockley off his bike while he rode a sportive. “Definitely knocked a cyclist off his bike earlier – I have right of way he doesn’t even pay road tax! #bloodycyclists,” she tweeted. The tweet and account were quickly deleted after cyclists on Twitter and the local police force were made aware of it resulting in a fine and points on her license.

Emma way's #bloodycyclist was quickly picked up by the cycling community who made the local police force aware of the road trafic collision (rtc):

Norwich Police were quick to ask Way to come forward

Specialized Roubaix gaff

@CafRoubaix and @iamspecialized made Twitter pulsate late this year, when the cycling giant tried to pressure a small Canadian bike shop to drop the name 'Roubaix' which also happens to be the name of one of its bike frames. It triggered a spate of negative publicity for Specialized, but was eventually resolved peaceably...

Many people were pleased to see the 'roubaix' situation resolved:

All's well that ends well - Cafe roubaix and Mike Sinyard come to an agreement

Road Bike Party 2 (#RBP2)

Trials and stunt supremo Martyn Ashton showed extraordinary tenacity in the aftermath of a life-altering accident to complete Road Bike Party 2. It was a massive success and has 7.1m hits and counting in less than a month. If you haven't seen it yet, catch it here.

Road bike party 2 was a massive social success:

Road Bike Party 2 has been notching up the hits

SRAM's total recall

The tweet American component maker SRAM must have dreaded having to send: the notice of a total recall of its road hydraulic disc brake systems earlier this month. The recall led to some very irritated early-adopting customers and a contrite apology from Stan Day, SRAM's president on YouTube.

SRAM issues massive hydraulic road bike disc brake recall : - Twitter @SRAMdiaries

SRAM was forced into embarrassing recall of all its hydraulic brakes systems in circulation

Virgin Media van in virgin bike lane

As London's mayor Boris Johnson spoke to ITV about his first fully segregated section of cycle Super Highway in East London, a Virgin Media van brazenly mounted the high curb and stopped in the lane to service a junction box. Twitter was not impressed.

London mayor boris johnson talks to tv about his brand new segregated cycle track with a virgin media van parked behind : - Twitter @samdansie

McGarry's72ft backflip

Kelly McGarry's 72ft back flip on the Canyon Gap jump at the Red Bull Rampage was a sensational stunt. Red Bull posted this tweet of the epic jump following the competition.

Kelly mcgarry's perfect 72ft back flip, caught perfectyl for twitter : - Twitter/@RedBullBike

Kelly McGarry's incredible back flip

Sagan's bottom pinch

Youthful exuberance got the better of Cannondale rider Peter Sagan. After finishing second at the Tour of Flanders, the 23-year-old racer pinched the posterior of podium girl Maya Leye's in of the blinking press cameras. Sagan apologised for the sexist stunt shortly thereafter.

Peter sagan was forced to apologise to maya leye, a podium girl, for pinching her bottom on the podium after the tour of flanders : peter sagan was forced to apologise to maya leye, a podium girl, for pinching her bottom on the podium after the tour of flanders - Twitter/@petosagan

Peter Sagan's apology to Maya Leye and women everywhere