Earn your Strava name with three clicks

Earn your Strava name with three clicks

Portland agency taps into Strava API for ride-based nicknames

Courtesy Earn Your Name

Published: March 3, 2017 at 10:00 am

Are you an Eddy Merckx or a Wiggo? Me, I’m a Winnebago.

Portland agency The Program just launched a funny little site called Earn Your Name, which gives you a nickname based on your Strava activities.

Along with your nickname and basic ride stats, Earn Your Name generates a digital poster for you.

It’s free and it takes just three clicks: one to the site earnyour.name, one to sync Strava and one to authorize Earn Your Name to use your Strava info.

I took the click bait and did it. My name? Winnebago. Ouch.

Your results may vary.

A couple of clicks and your internet legacy is created - Courtesy Earn Your Name

The site has a couple of short videos — including one of a dude sprinting across the salt flats of Utah on a road bike — as well as scenic background videos.

“Our goal was to create a digitally compelling visual experience from data cyclists already have and use and film,” said Ethan Smith Gillespie, president of The Program, which created Earn Your Name.

Check it out at earnyour.name

A Winnebago? Ouch. Well, I guess that's better than a Pinto - Courtesy Earn Your Name