Are you an Eddy Merckx or a Wiggo? Me, I’m a Winnebago.
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Portland agency The Program just launched a funny little site called Earn Your Name, which gives you a nickname based on your Strava activities.
Along with your nickname and basic ride stats, Earn Your Name generates a digital poster for you.
It’s free and it takes just three clicks: one to the site, one to sync Strava and one to authorize Earn Your Name to use your Strava info.
I took the click bait and did it. My name? Winnebago. Ouch.
Your results may vary.

The site has a couple of short videos — including one of a dude sprinting across the salt flats of Utah on a road bike — as well as scenic background videos.
“Our goal was to create a digitally compelling visual experience from data cyclists already have and use and film,” said Ethan Smith Gillespie, president of The Program, which created Earn Your Name.
Check it out at