How do you measure success on the bike?

How do you measure success on the bike?

What metrics matter most to you?

Published: October 26, 2017 at 11:00 am

In last week’s Over to You column, we asked readers how much they ride. For some of us, miles are the measure of a successful year on the bike, but this isn't the case for everyone

The reasons we ride and the sense of affirmation we get from cycling can be as varied as the sport itself. And there are many possible ways to measure the success.

Some riders may rely on quantifiable measurements, such as mileage, hours, FTP, watts per kilo, or placings in races. While for others, success might be less about numbers and more about certain goals, such as learning to bunny-hop, track-stand, or clear a section of trail that they’ve fumbled through in the past.

I consider myself to be a relatively well-rounded cyclist. I think about success and progression differently, depending on what bike I’m riding.

For gravel and cyclocross racing, I measure success based on my finishes.

When it comes to mountain biking, I think of success as a measure of technical improvement — cleaning technical climbs and becoming better at cornering, descending and other skills.

I don’t race on the road, so I tend to track hours and miles as measurements of progress.

When I look back at a year of cycling as a whole, I consider it a success if I’ve made new friends and helped other riders to enjoy the sport.

So over to you. How do you measure success on the bike? Let us know in the comments below.