...Firstly, and most excitedly was my new longterm jump frame. Only the other day I started getting the Morewood ready for action again, but the UK importers need the frame back. Ironic then, that this fluro yellow Cove Foreplay should turn up- so I'll be doing a frame swap anytime now. It's seriously so bright that all other yellows look mundane!

In the same box was a whole bunch of new Race Face kit- the new, and classy looking Diablos gloves with kevlar panels and a 'country gent brown' colourway.

Looking very similar to the mega-popular 661 Kyle Strait pad is the new Diablos knee pad, with it's lairy colourway. Those wanting something darker will like the black/grey colourway.

Bright jerseys are always a photoshoot bonus as they stand out a mile off in our grey climate...

Yep, that's right- purple is back. And it won't go away. These are going on a pretty special bike...

Most people in the office turned their noses up at this brown Bel Air saddle from SDG, but I think it's class- and it looks amazing against the yellow of the Cove Foreplay frame...

Tyre sealant is always a hot product at MBUK towers due to the amount of tubeless tyres we test- so we're always searching for the best sealant out there. This sealant from MSC bikes has been developed in conjunction with Maxxis- so it promises a lot.

Maximuscle is well known for it's fancy Whey powder enriched muscle proteins, but this range of recovery foods is a first. As soon as we've gobbled and guzzled the lot, we'll let you know how it fares...

Finally, and you may laugh, are these five toed shoes- which happen to be the single most comfy thing I've ever slipped my feet in to. They just make you look a little odd. Quite what they're for, I'm not sure. Not for BMX track riding, thats for sure...