Monday choco-madness

Monday choco-madness

Map-men mend our mediocre Monday melancholy

Published: September 21, 2009 at 11:48 am

We've all been there; Monday morning, nearly five whole days away from the weekend and nothing to look forward to except two hours of soaps on telly and a tuna sarnie for lunch...

Next thing you know, a hamper full of chocolates arrive! WAHEY!

Our haul of goodies landed courtesy of map-supremos Ordnance Survey and contained everything from chocolate brazils, turkish delights and cherry liqueurs.

There was also a bear who has found a new home on Collins Boy's desk and is apparently called Doddy due to the fact that the other b(e)arer of that name is currently somewhere over the Atlantic on his way to Vegas for Interbike.

Jamer, like an over-excited labrador, has gorged himself on the chocolate and is still wearing the ribbon as some sort of sugar-idled bonnet. We may have to take him to the vets later to get his stomach pumped...

Ordnance Survey are currently launching a new range of maps called OS Select. These new paper-based location finders offer customers the option to purchase a custom map with their own location slap-bang in the centre. As a result you avoid having to buy several different maps covering all directions. We like the idea a lot and see it as yet another victory for common sense!