Things are busy at MBUK Towers as usual but here's a quick belt round our top-secret lock-up to have a look at what's what...
Doddy's Charge Duster Ti has re-emerged from it's spot of winter hibernation and is looking as colour-clashtastic as ever. It's still wearing ano red prototype Race Face cranks alongside a neon pink RRP neoguard and white and blue Goodridge cabelling...
Jamer is just back from a week's messing about on bits of wood somewhere and swears that someone has tampered with the suspension set-up on his beloved LaPierre Zesty 714. It wasn't us but it's funny anyway.
I've just changed the tires on my Iron Horse Sunday too. I've loved the Maxxis Minions since I pulled the horse out of the box but as things warm up and our time together reaches the half-way point I'm swapping to a nice pair of High Roller Super Tackys to bring in the summer. The bikes bogging too so it's getting a wash before being shot on Thursday.
Whilst I was down there I also managed to sneek a pic of Doddy fiddling with his Cube Fritz ahead of this weekend's Glentress demo day. Preperation, preperation, preperation...
Oh aye, and Route One sent us a box of cool 'yoof-spec' sunglasses seen here modelled by Spoy and myself... Ladies watch out.