He's crashed, he's crashed, he's crashed...

He's crashed, he's crashed, he's crashed...

Don't say we don't put ourselves on the line to bring you quality bike tests!


Published: March 2, 2009 at 1:00 pm

Well, my modelling career is on hold. (And anyone who's seen our spring kit test in issue 221 is probably breathing a sigh of relief) But, no doubt just like any number of you this weekend, I've just had a proper off...

Downhill, on a bend, some newly laid diesel, a wobble, a bigger wobble, a kerb, a wall, face along the pavement, ouch. The Felt F4 SL looks a little worse for wear too - the shifters are, ahem sorry Saddleback, a little scratched. On the plus side I've met a couple of very nice local residents - firstly Sara who was first on the rather sorry scene and then Angie who took me into her house, cleaned up my face and dressed my big graze. And most importantly made me a lovely cup of sweet tea! Thanks to you both - and the chap who also helped me up.

Crashing is weird, though, isn't it? Especially when you have one of those 'tank-slapper' style wobbles. You know you've lost it, you know you're going down and you know there's nothing you can do about it. (And it's also just a little bit embarrasing too!)

Of course, I was pretty lucky - no cars, no breakages, no innocent bystanders involved, no delivery men carrying a big pane of glass...But now, here's the debate generator - what would of happened had I not been wearing a helmet. I actually don't care what the anti-helmet brigade say about this - I don't think I'd be sitting at my desk, manfully battling the pain - it really does smart - if I'd been sans lid. Okay, I don't have any 'actual' proof that my Bell Sweep saved my noggin from serious breakage but the bloody great crack - see the pic - in the internal polystyrene makes me think that it did. I've said it before, helmet wearing is your own choice, and it should remain just that, but me – I won't be leaving home without mine. (Not the knackered one of course, that's being binned.)