Ned Boulting
Cycling Plus columnist Ned is probably best known as the lynchpin of ITV’s Tour de France coverage. He's a commentator, reporter, presenter and author. Ned has also taken his popular Bikeology stage show around the UK theatres. His most recent book, 1923, explores a short clip of film from the 1923 Tour de France.
Recent articles by Ned Boulting
‘The truth is, not enough of us cared’ | In this exclusive column, Ned Boulting reacts to the end of ITV’s coverage of the Tour de France
Veteran Tour commentator Ned says farewell to free-to-air coverage of the race in the UK
Ned Boulting | I still don't know if I like cycling, but a 220-mile adventure revealed to me that bike rides are always worth it
Ned ponders his affection for cycling on a ride from London to Minehead
Ned Boulting | The soul-destroying act of fixing a road-side puncture
Ned is feeling deflated
So I had my saddle nicked
Ned Boulting bemoans the complexities of buying replacement bike kit