Drastically improve your night time visibility for £10 with Volvo's LifePaint

Drastically improve your night time visibility for £10 with Volvo's LifePaint

Spray-on visibility now available at UK Volvo dealerships


Published: October 21, 2015 at 12:10 pm

Volvo will this weekend launch its LifePaint product, a reflective spray that can dramatically increase the visibility of cyclists at night. Sprayed directly onto clothing and accessories, LifePaint is a water-based product that's invisible in daylight – yet at night dramatically reflects light in a similar way to high-visibility clothing.

Although said to be most effective on textile materials, LifePaint's versatility means it can also be applied to accessories including helmets, shoes, backpacks and more. LifePaint is also weather resistant but can be removed through washing with detergents.

Originally piloted through six london bike shops earlier this year, stock of lifepaint sold out within 24 hours:

Volvo's LifePaint reflects light in the same direction as the light source, shining brightly to illuminate the objects it has been sprayed on

Originally piloted through six London bike shops earlier this year, the product sold out within 24 hours. Volvo recognised the obvious demand for this product and, as of this weekend, select Volvo dealerships throughout the UK will be stocking LifePaint at a cost of £10 per 100ml can. To celebrate its arrival, the dealerships stocking LifePaint will be hosting a launch event this weekend offering free sprays and demonstrations on how to effectively use the product – you can register your interest in those events here.

If LifePaint works as described then it could well work out to be the most versatile, effective and casual way to keep yourself safe on the roads at night.