A cyclist who was ticketed for not stopping at a red light has fought the law and won.
Alex Paxton was handed a fixed penalty notice for not stopping in an advanced stop line bike box at a red traffic light on Fulham High Street, London in August. The reason for him not stopping in the space, which is reserved for cyclists, was that it was occupied by a car.
Today Paxton learned that the Crown Prosecution Service had dropped the case because of 'insufficient evidence' said the cycling charity, CTC.
The news comes as the London Metropolitan Police – and forces in major cities all over the UK, including in Bristol, Manchester and Edinburgh – crack down on road users who break the law.
During the crackdown London police have been accused of not being familiar with the law governing cyclists.
Paxton received legal fees assistance from the Cyclists Defence Fund, who also helped him mount a case against the £50 FPN.
Paxton said: "I hope the decision encourages the police to engage with cyclists in a positive way, wherever practically possible, rather than resorting to fixed penalties."